Friday, January 30, 2015

The Reception at Rajib’s Family Home

Even though there’s already been four solid days of wedding events, the celebration is not yet over.  There is still the reception to be held, hosted by Rajib’s family, planned for January 10th.  It’s planned to be a joint reception with Rajib’s sister, because (can you believe it?) she is getting married within a few days of Rajib!  But, because we won’t be in Bangladesh at that time, they hold a smaller reception at their home for December 29th for us and other wedding guests who have come from far away. 

Shaz' aunt and cousin from California
On the 29th, however, the reception is “on again/off again” all day long because a hartal has been called across the entire country.  As I understand it, a hartal is a work stoppage of all the transportation drivers, called by the opposition party.  It is considered dangerous to try to drive anywhere during the period of a hartal.  We are really saddened by this, as we won’t get to see Shaz and Rajib again before we have to leave Dhaka. 

At first, the hartal is called from dawn to dusk, and we plan to leave after 5 p. for Rajib’s family home.  Then, the hartal is called from dawn to dawn, and we think we cannot go at all.  Then, the hartal is back to being from dawn to dusk – and off we set. 

Drinks and snacks are served.
Their decorated bedroom...
Rajib's brother showed us
a family business that makes T shirts.

I’m really glad we were able to go.  At all the other events, there were so many people around.  This event was much more casual and “just the immediate families” at Rajib’s.  

In particular, we were able to get to know Rajib’s sister and brother much better.  We talked.  A fantastic meal was served.  We talked some more.  

Rajib and Shaz showed Jim and me how their bedroom was decorated by the family with jasmine and roses. 
... We can be lovebirds, too!

Then, Shaz led Mark, Sophie, John, and me downstairs.  Rajib’s family had a badminton court set up ready to play.  I tried, and failed miserably.  Shaz did really well, considering she was playing in a sari.  

The best badminton player
The best at coot, coot, coot
But, the highlight of the evening was playing a form of hopscotch.  With chalk, you draw a regular numbered board on the cement.  Then, you throw a rock and jump just like we are familiar.  The only difference is that you have to say, “coot coot coot” the whole time you are hopping!  Try it sometime.  It makes it a much harder game.  Mark Schnepf did himself proud!

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