Sunday, January 25, 2015

Touch-down in Dhaka

We arrive Dhaka on December 20th, after 26 hours of continuous, but uneventful flights.   Our longest layover was actually in Chicago – but that layover was pleasant, as we were able to go out to dinner with Paul, Connie, Katie – and surprise guest Tom Cornacchini!

We are met at the airport by Shaz’ father – Salehuddin Ahmed.  We are already acquainted, and it feels good to see his familiar face.  He and his wife Nahar have stayed with us at our home on two earlier occasions.  Both are warm, informed, delightful and interesting people.  Salehuddin is the managing editor for the English-language daily newspaper in Dhaka – The Daily Star.  And, Nahar has just completed her doctorate – writing her thesis on the working conditions of women factory workers in Bangladesh.

We go to their flat - and talk together over breakfast.  Shaz has already arrived, and they are happy to see us.  But, they are eagerly awaiting the next plane due.  On that flight is their older daughter Irina, her husband Ryan, and the biggest star, four-month old granddaughter Imaani.   This is her first trip to Bangladesh, and several little outfits and a cradle are waiting!

Nahar’s father is also there.  We are introduced.  He has been one of the great influences on Shaz’ religious upbringing.  We ask him questions about Islam which he enjoys answering – sharing both his faith and his humor.  One answer I remember most clearly.  I asked him if Mohammed had more than one wife.   He answered, “Yes, he did.  And, Islam says a man can have up to four wives but, ---- only if he can treat them all exactly equally.”  He paused – then went on, “Since no man can do that, most of us stick to one wife.  And, then he smiled.

Postscript:  I am actually writing this entry in January 2015.  Jim and I were so sad to hear of the sudden death of Shaz' grandfather on January 8th.  We are so glad that we were able to meet him, and that he was able to be so very present at all of the wedding festivities.  

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing your note and picture of Nana. We miss him a lot :(
